Today: Same old, same old.
Tomorrow: Adventure.
Due to my excessive Work/School/Martial Arts schedule, I was unable to start preparing for my trip until last Saturday. I say that I was able to prepare for my trip starting last Saturday but that did not include any sort of preparation for my trip... instead, on Saturday and Sunday (All of Saturday and Sunday) I was cleaning my Office, and my Room. Some might ask why in preparation for a trip to China would one clean their Office and their Room. I would say, its not best to bite the hand that feeds you.
But, with all of this cleaning that really only left me with three days to get ready for two months. That might be ok, but it turns out that since I have never done this type of travelling before I really need to buy... well... everything.
To you cynics out there that feel that my leaving everything to 3 days was some sort of procrastination or poor planning let there be no mistake, you are wrong. This 3 day marathon of preparation is part of a well defined, well executed, and well prepared plan. 3 days is all I need.
But wait. To those that are new here (which is everyone since this is the first post) a brief introduction.
I am about to go to China. One month will be spent at the University of Shantou, in Shantou, and the second month will be spent... all over. I will leave from Shantou at the end of May and will then travel to Hong Kong and then north. I do not really have a set route, or set durations to stay in each location. All I know is that I leave on the 28th of June from Beijing, so I had better get there.
The shopping is finished. The packing is finishished. I am prepared. Well... almost prepared
In Lieu of Photo: