So... at work there is a machine that makes coffee. Actually, it makes just about every kind of coffee that one could ever imagine, which is great, because, you know... I don't drink coffee. Alright, I guess that isn't that great, but when I was toured around and was introduced to all of the people in my office, and the coffee machine, I was told that it could also produce Hot Chocolate. Great, now this was up my alley. I took the idea and stored it in my brain for a day when we weren't trying to "Rrrrrolllll up the Rim to Win!"
The day came. The day before yesterday. I got up from my desk, headed down the hall all pumped up and raring to go and then... I saw someone with their arm, head, and most of the right side of their torso, missing inside the coffee machine. Ok. Bad time. I could come back later when the machine was functional and wouldn't produce Italian Plumber when I pushed the Hot Chocolate button.
So. I passed on Hot Chocolate and waited for the next opportune moment. It too came; yesterday. Again I got up and headed towards the coffee machine. There was no line up, no one was in sight, perfect! I got a cup from beside the machine pushed it into the little cup slot and pressed "Hot Chocolate." Well, I thought I pushed "Hot Chocolate." After about half a cup of "Hot Water" I discovered that I had not hit "Hot Chocolate," but instead had hit "Hot Water." Crap. I would have poured it out, but there is no sink by the coffee machine, and if I walked to a sink and ran into someone I would have the shame of explaining that I in fact made "Hot Water" instead of "Hot Chocolate" by accident. "Hot" and "Hot" right? So, for another attempt I gave up, too the "Hot Water" back to my office and poured it into my gourd for some of the strangest tasting Mate I have ever had.
This nasty event did not dissuade me however and I tried again, more later, yesterday. I was fortunate. I found a lull in the people talking near to the coffee machine so I snuck in. I grabbed a cup, slid it in the slot, and then STOPPED. I read the instructions... yep, there was a "Hot Water" button... yep, there was a "Hot Chocolate" button... and yep, there was a "Hot Cocoa" button?!?! What?!
Ok. I guess you could interpret "Hot Chocolate" and "Hot Cocoa" differently. Usually they are considered synonymous, but one of my colleagues helpfully discerned the obvious differences for me. So they are different in coffee machine world, fine, but what is really important is which is better?
Someone was coming now to the lunch room and towards the coffee machine. I did not want to look like I couldn't work the coffee machine and was a total moron, so I make a quick decision. Whatever. It worked. I was feeling all upper class and hoity toity that day, so why not try the elegant and refined sounding..."Hot Cocoa." I returned to my office, proud that I had for once successfully used the coffee machine, and I had to work hard all afternoon to resist lifting my cup with my pinky outstretched to demonstrate my hoity toityness.
Verdict. "Hot Cocoa" is good, decent flavour, and definitely cocoaey.
I did not know that there would be two options. All I wanted was some "Hot Chocolate," and to be able to use the coffee machine. Now this was not longer an, "I should go and get Hot Chocolate," it was a Duel!
Later that day. Or maybe the next day. Nope, today is the next day. Then maybe all of these days are off. I have had a pretty busy week so I am not sure really what day all of this saga fell on. So... wait. What day is it?!
Anyways. LATER. I returned to the machine and did not care if people were in the lunch room. I walked over, grabbed my cup, and like a pro I made "Hot Chocolate." This is not to be confused with "Hot Water" or "Hot Cocoa." I watched as the first half of the cup was filled with hot milk, and then hot milk mixed with "chocolate." For any of you who read my last post, you and I both know that at that moment I had a strong suspicion as to who the winner of this contest would be.
It was like a bad Nabob commercial, my eyes were closed, I lifted the cup to my nose (with a full grip, no pinky fanoodling), smelled the beautiful aroma, and took a sip.
It was like angels singing. And what were they singing?
Beethovens 9th.
Da da da de da da da daa da da da de daaaaa da daaaaa. Da da da de da da da daa da da da de daaaaa da daaaaa. Da da de da dum da-de-da-da dum da-de-da-da da de daaaaaaaaaa, da da da de da da da da da da da deeeee da da duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm.
Best "Hot Chocolate" ever...