Thursday, January 28, 2010
Update: Iritis
Monday, January 25, 2010
I Want Light to Die!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Mark this Day in History
Monday, January 18, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I've Made it to Saint John... Again...
We rose with the sun earlier than God to see the beautiful sunrise nothing (it was dark ok!). I hobbled downstairs, groggy and disheveled, looked at the computer, typed in my flight number and... my flight was delayed. Back to bed.
We rose... again... to get ready to go. Somehow we made it into the car with all my bags, and to the airport. Great. We were there early, no problem, I just needed to hop into the baggage check-in line and I would be good to... problem... The line stretched from the Air Canada desk back around, more back more around, doubling back and around, finally passed two different Timmy's and to the end. Actually... I was amazed we ever found the end. Thus began the wait. It was a little entertaining because every once in a while you would see someone trying find the end and you could listen as the other line-waiters said "the end is that way" with a dismissive point.
If you were to ask someone else in the line when their flight was, you would find that most of them were not leaving for hours... they would say "I knew there would be a line so I decided to come 4 hours early." Excuse me... miss... there would not be a line if you came on time!!!
Moving on. Air Canada people were coming through calling people who were on earlier flights, and when they came for me I was too happy to go with them. They checked in my bag (without weighing it, meaning I could have had that damn 74 lbs in there like I did originally before I reduced it to 50ish... grr...) and sent me to oversized baggage for my weapons.
Totally eventless. I hope someone from the Toronto Airport reads this... in TO they always try to call security on us or some kind of chaos... thank you YYC for your support in transporting my SPORTS EQUIPMENT.
Baggage done. Over to securi... crap. Another line. Another long long line. I was in the line and it was here that I parted from my highly attractive chauffeur. Don't get me wrong, this parting was not easy, but it did seem easier than the first time though maybe that is because the gap is shorter. She was gone, and I was alone, with about a zillion disgruntled people waiting to get searched.
Man picking his nose one up and one over.
Boarding pass check...
Security... So. Laptop out. Bags down. Pockets empty. Belt off.
One hand clutching my pants I hobbled through the little scanner... machiney... thingy... and for the first time ever... I was not searched. Not only that, but most of my bags went through right away. Alright, I did say most, because I could swear the look on the x-ray guy's face was "TNT" "TNT" "TNT" while my humidor went through, but it did eventually come through, and I was not questioned.
Through the terminal then onto the plane. Then sitting on the plane. Forever. Wait, the plane is not moving. So we wait. And wait. And wait. And finally we are moving. We get to the de-icing pad and wait. And wait. And wait. And FINALLY we are on the runway and into the air.
It was a decent flight featuring "Surrogates" "Nine" and one episode of "Flashpoint" as well as mediocre service and no food. I could have sworn that my itinerary said Breakfast Included, but I guess I was wrong. We touched down in Montreal, unloaded, cleaned, reloaded, and... waited. Over to the de-icing pad... and we waited some more. So, when we did make it into the air I though I had better check my boarding pass for my next flight. At this time it was about 6 pm and my next flight took off at 6:45 pm...
It was not that bad. We landed. Hopped off, and when I spoke with the Air Canada ground personnel they told me my flight had been delayed... undoubtedly because half of us had not yet landed. Eventually they did start loading... we took the stairs down to the tarmac and onto the runway. We got the the plane and boarded. Looks like the plane held 20 people including pilot and co-pilot. I have not been on a plane that small since I flew to Winchester, Indiana. The safety features were... minimal... the instructions were in English only... and though we had no beverages or bathrooms if we had a problem we were told just to walk up to the cockpit and ask the co-pilot. Fun!
In the plane. Loaded. Luggage loaded. Waiting. Waiting. Waitin... what is with all this waiting anyways? Aha! Moving, quickly... Oh my this is not a pilot... this is a race track driver... and we are all on a race... Hmm... I guess the little planes are quite maneuverable on the ground... and "errrch." De-icing... again...
Then... RACING!!!
Actually we taxied for so long I was confident for a few moments that we were driving to Saint John. I do not think it would take long though, that pilot was really givin' 'er.
FINALLY. In the air.
FINALLYER. In Saint John with my lovely landlady to pick me up. Baggage is unloaded. People grab there bags, and then... about half of us keep looking at the conveyor belt expectingly. Evidently they did not all fit.
So, I tell them the colour, they write down the bag number, and write down my address. Which leads me to this moment. Sitting at my keyboard... naked... and alone...