Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Old Panorama Road

We went on this walk last year, or maybe the year before, but it was high time that we did it again...

It is a gorgeous walk going alongside Toby Creek, if a bit above.  I had always wondered if there was a road on the South side of the creek, as I could see it when we drove to the ski hill on the North side.  When my sister and her husband took us on this walk before I was amazed, but this time it was our turn to share it with someone.

We somehow managed to find the trailhead and we made our way down the long serene path.

Last time we made it to our destination, which was the remnants of an abandoned bridge crossing Toby Creek, but this time we ran into a bit of an... obstacle.  Last time we had reached a washout in the path, but we were able to scale across the rocks.  This time it was runoff season.

This was what we faced, and though the dogs weren't daunted by the water racing down the steep mountainside, we thought it best to hold off on completing the walk until another day.


In the Waterfall's Spray

Leaves and Light

Up the Falls

On the Washout

The Path Ahead

Water from Heaven

Water and Rock

The Magic of Leaves

Layers (Back Home)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Calgary Comic Convention

And then there was the Calgary Comic Convention... we thought that the people there were the kinds of people who would like Iaido, so we got ourselves a booth and headed in...


At the Comic Con

The Falcon Stroller

The Lego Battle of Endor


The Lego Falcon

Still at the Comic Con

Gaius and Faith

Mal Immortalized in Lego (and was signed later by Nathan Fillion)

Nathan Fillion's Head!

Sohail and Maya



Nathan Fillion!

The Comic Con Booth Side

Stiiiilllll at the Comic Con

Inside the Delorean Time Machine

In the Time Machine

Outside the Time Machine

The Best Home Made Costume

Our Group



I've recently come into a bit of time... a bit... not a lot... but I'll try and get things back up to speed, and if I'm lucky, I'll keep 'em that way...

So then there was an Easter egg hunt...

Blinking Candy

Reunion with Mom