Sunday, December 6, 2009

The First Piece of Order

So far this program has been a great jumble of chaos. Certainly there is enough order to get us all to class, and to somehow get us to do what they want, but it has been messy. I can remember before I came here waiting and waiting and waiting for my information package. Generally one would expect an information package to come out early, especially when people are moving from around the world, but no... there was nothing.

It was a good thing that I tried to contact the school directly to get some information. It was not everything but it was enough to start figuring out when I would need accommodation by. Actually, even that was hard, as e-mail does not seem to be an effective form of communication and even phone was tricky.

Things have not improved too much in that regard, but at least I am close enough to walk over and ask in person when I have a question. Since that beginning things have still seemed like they are barely holding together. Schedules are mishmashed, groups are in chaos, but somehow it still works. This program seems to be very similar to the Millennium Falcon.

Well, things are still nuts, and I still don't know my schedule for next term, but at least the presentation is alright. A few days ago we got our business cards so that we can pass them out when networking. Sure, things are a little nuts, but it is nice to see some of my tuition coming back my way. So I got 100 business cards at a cost off $18,000 therefore each card costs $180.

Alright! I am off to go networking... Ye-Haw!!!

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