Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Disaster in the Abode

I am an aspiring fiction writer, and though I profess to have a wild imagination attached to a formidable vocabulary I could still never imagine the things that real life comes up with.

I came home last night with the knowledge that my landlady had spoken to my horrendous roommate about some of his less than appealing habits. I was to deliver this message to my other roommate who has been a tentative ally in this entire ordeal. I got home, was ready to deliver the message and then "Bam" I was slugged in the face with a fist full of better-than-my-imagination reality.

So... he says... that roommate who had been a disaster to live with, and who does not respect us, or the place, or anything... well... When I got home I relaxed, had a shower, and started to cook supper when he came in. He wasn't alone. He came in with a girl, and he said "this is my girlfriend, she will be living with me [Insert nervous/sketchy giggle]."

Well. I have no sat down. He lives in a room the size of a closet, and now two people live there? Not to mention the competition for the bathroom, and the fridge space, and the kitchen, and the... the everything... disaster.

We talk about it for a few minutes and then decide we ought to go and inform our landlady immediately, or at least see if she knows. So we go up, and we tell that same story to our landlady, who is thoroughly in shock as well, but she has something to add do it.

She tells us that this roommate, *** we'll call him to protect his identity, has been calling and ringing on her door all day. She finally she is home and he comes to chat with her, and she lets him know that certain behaviors are unacceptable in the apartment. Well, then *** lets her know something. He says that he has just gotten married, to a Canadian girl (which is strange because he has only been in Canada for a few months and because on Saturday he we going on a "date" with her) and that he will be living with her (to which my landlady assumed that he was moving out with her...)

Evidently, not so much.

Upon more probing it would appear that he married this girl because she has been in some trouble with an MIA father, and alcoholic mother, and her residence being the home of one of here teachers (which has been pointed out to me by my landlady's daughter is sketchy). So, to help her out *** married her.

I am pretty sure their are easier ways to help someone. Not to mention there is probably a large cultural/religious conflict here.

Through our discussion with our landlady we have come to the conclusion that we do not think there are "married married" as we do not think they have had the time or the means. It is possible they are claiming that situation to try and get away with more. Either way this is a very messed up situation.

We are already in deep enough water as my other roommate and I, not ***, are clearly having stress related issues from being immersed in this situation.

I told him, and I told you "somethings gotta give."

I am having enough mental health issues on my own without this added chaos. If there is no improvement in the next few weeks I will speak with my landlady directly to see if a solution is on its way, and if not, I will start looking for a new place to live.

What a mess...

Real Life 1
Alexander 0

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