Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bermuda Shorts Day!!!

For those of you who don't know, yesterday was the last day of classes for university students at the University of Calgary making it the annual holiday of Bermuda Shorts Day (BSD). Usually I would be in attendance, but with my not attending U of C this has posed to be a challenge.

Either way, things sounded as amazing as ever. Successful engineering pancake breakfast, then the 6th Annual BSD Beer Mile, followed by sofa races and an afternoon at the beer gardens.

I will not elaborate too much but I highly recommend checking out the following links:

Based on how this has been skewed in the news there have been a lot of interesting complaints from people who are not related to the situation at all... I think they should remember that this is an annual tradition and if you are not directly impacted by it let it go. If you are adversely impacted by it then you definitely have a right to complain, but the rest of you... go grinch your own lives.

1 comment:

  1. Nice contribution, and completely agreed. People are getting really choked up about the whole thing, and overlooking the fun factor. Shame you couldn't have been there, the best turnout to everything that I've seen in my three years on campus.

    Check out my blog, I wrote about the races too:
