Thursday, June 17, 2010

Counting Ties...

Along Rail

I'm a working stiff now. Ain't that the truth. Sure, there are some complaints from one of the office ladies that I wear my hat indoors, but pffft, hat it is. I mean, all the people who work outside wear their hats, and I think it is clear that I work outside.

In our upgrade program at work we are replacing railroad ties. We had a discrepancy in the count between miles 11 and 13 so one of my co-workers and I set off to fix the discrepancy.

Walking Ties

Most people think that things that drive on railroad tracks are noisy... so so not so... I totally did not notice the Little Giant sneak up on me... I heard a little squeak and was like, oh crap, and then off into the ditch. He would not have hit me, but still, it was a bit... shocking.

Little Giant

You know, a mile is a long way, especially when you miss the mile 12 marker and end up walking more than a mile. That's ok, my ride was waiting and as I continued on my way I met up with my counting co-worker coming from mile 13.

This railroad is really...

A Man at Work

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