Friday, November 12, 2010

TGTH: Day 37 (November 5th, 2010)

Kilometres Remaining: 438/11,978+
Route: Innisfree, AB

So, we kind of did a loop. This was really evident when we go from the flat nothingness of Saskatchewan and the Prairies to the rugged peaks of the Rockies to the flat nothingness of Alberta and the Prairies. Yep... loop... Oh well, it’s a vacation!

I got a quick tour of the MBH (My Better Half’s) farm and then we headed to Vegreville to run some errands. We had to deal with some vehicle registration stuff, and as always it was a big big pain in the... butt. Still, it did not take that long, and on the way back we got to see the World’s Largest Ukrainian Easter Egg. Yep... that was... special...

We got back and had brunch waiting for us (My Better Half’s Dad) made us some eggs and bacon and pancakes which we enjoyed with Gilles and Francine’s Maple Syrup. That was the first time that we got to really try the syrup that we brought home. It was delicious. I do love maple syrup. It is funny that for years and years I would not eat anything other than “fake” maple syrup, but now, real is where it is at.

Being on a farm with horses, it made some sense that we should ride one. So, MBHD told us that they had a very calm and very well mannered horse that the two of us could ride. This horse’s name was Chubby. It took a few minutes to get him away from the others and bridled up, but in no time we were hopping on. MBH was sitting on the front and I was sitting on the rear. We had no saddle, but it should not have mattered too much since we were not going far. We rode at a walking pace down the road, and then back. Chubby wanted to come back. We really had not gone far, but when we were closer to the house he began to buck. MBH says he wanted to gallop but she wouldn’t let him. The result was me getting thrown forwards into her, her getting thrown backwards into me, and the two of us almost toppling off of the horse. MBHD came running out of the house ready to help when Chubby calmed down. He calmed down when MBH fell forwards and was hanging on his neck. The two of them were staring eye to eye... yep, that was an adventure. MBH hopped off and I stayed on for a bit as we walked along.

We did not get to ride long, but I don’t think that Chubby really wanted to take us around. Still, it was fun.

We headed into Innisfree (the town) and I got the grande tour. That took like... 7 minutes. It may not have been a long tour, after all Innisfree is pretty small, but it was great to see MBH’s hometown.

Back at the house we did the chores of feeding the baby horses, which really is not a chore if you are not from a farm. It was pretty fun... way more fun than my chores of taking out the garbage or recycling or whatevs.

MBHB (My Better Half’s Brother) decided that we wanted to take us out for supper (which was very generous of him). We went back into Vegreville and headed to Boston Pizza. There I had pizza... yeah yeah, sounds self explanatory, but I was the only one who had pizza. Apparently people don’t have pizza at pizza places anymore.

Back at the house we were just sitting watching TV, which happened to be The Apprentice. It was probably the best Apprentice episode I have ever seen. I used to watch The Apprentice with my big sister, and I think she would have appreciated the humour in this. The Project Manager of one team had a huge man crush on one of their models, and of course this led to a conversation about if the Project Manager was gay (not that there is anything wrong with that) or not. This would have been fine privately, but this conversation was in the Boardroom in front of millions of viewers. He was not gay, but he sure looked embarrassed when this all went down.

After that we began to watch a movie called The Sculptress. It was about a woman who was convicted of a murder that she may or may not have committed. I say we started to watch the movie because it was hella long, and in two parts. When the first part was over, we went to bed... in a bed... again...


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