So, well review, at the battery.
The battery has some random equipment around just doing its thing, and a fair sized doghouse where the operators can hang out and fill out their paper work. The operators are almost exclusively male, and you can imagine all of these big manly men in their coveralls and covered in grease driving their big trucks and heading into this battery.
With all of these big tough manly men one thing that you might not expect to see is a kitten. I say kitten, but it could just be a small cat. Either way, when I came in she was sleeping one of the well used office chairs. When all of the operators came in they chose unoccupied chairs to sit in, and that included leaving the kitten be on the chair she occupied. When there were a bunch of people around it got noisy so she got up. She went and had some dry cat food from a food dish on the floor, and then decided to go hunting.
How does a cat go hunting inside a battery? I watched in amazement to find the answer. The kitten walked from the food dish towards the rear door, which I had not noticed initially. Down at the very bottom of the rear door there was a tiny little square with a tiny little door.
It was a cat door.
I would not have imagined such a thing, but that cat was as much a worker as the rest of the operators. Sure, she didn't work (maybe she kept the battery clear of mice) but she was part of the crew. As we went about our business no one took notice of her as she walked around their legs, or climbed from box to box to the highest point in the room. There was an open box atop a bookshelf and underneath the air conditioner. I was told that she goes to sleep up there occasionally.
Heh. All these big tough men, and a little kitten. Not much of a story here, but if you can imagine half of what I saw you will experience an enormous contrast, and perhaps one of the cutest things you have ever seen...
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