Friday, July 8, 2011

The Midnight Drive

So, once upon a Friday there was a charity golf tournament in Drayton Valley and almost everyone at PennWest (in DV) was in attendance. This was probably because it was a PennWest charity golf tournament, but still... Anyways, I was supposed to attend but due to some extraneous circumstance I missed it. Well, I missed the golf part, but I did manage to get to the charity auction part.

It was a good time. Good food, good fun, and my not drinking came in handy quite a few times as people needed rides to and fro. Anyways, I had promised to go to BV that weekend to water the trees, so, at around 11:30 pm I decided to call 'er a night and I left the auction. I then headed south to Bella Vista.

5:00 am Arrival

The Mountains at 5:00 am

It was just a relax and do some work and have some fun weekend so I don't have too much to report, but I thought you should see these movies, and also you might be interested in some of these photos. I am constantly amazed by the beauty in nature, especially how no matter what you are looking at it you look close enough it is incredible.

Also, if you take a look at the daisy below there are some stellar examples of sacred geometry.


The Stages of Life




Sacred Geometry

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