Thursday, August 21, 2014

Al’s Adventure Trust – Mineral King Mine – Expedition 3

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It’s been a long time since I have had the opportunity to write, and I must apologize that I am just getting to this now, even though it has been some time since the actual adventures.  Part of the delay is that I had some… technical… issues with my camera, resulting in the loss of many photos.  I took some time to collect some of the images from my companions to help provide a complete picture of what transpired.

Before we get started, below are the links to my album, and a link of Adam's photos from this year and last (he has some spectacular ones, as his camera seems to performs about a zillion times better than mine under low light), and Joe's photos from this year (with a team lighting effort Joe took some amazing shots):

My Photos
Adam's Photos
Joe's Photos

Let’s be honest, this is our third trip to the mine, so anyone who has been reading this blog for a while will already know the basics.  Things that differ were the players, and the objectives.

This was the largest group that we ever had with six people going into the mine and three non-mining participants.  It was a good number, and a great group of people.  Due to mechanical issues with the quad, we were once again forced to make the ascent on food.  We opted for the familiar, and grueling, and direct, route straight up the mountain (as opposed to the road) and made our way to the level 3 portal.

Our objectives this time were threefold:

1.      Explore a mega ore cavern.
2.      Find the blue thing (to take a closer look than last year).
3.      Climb from one level to the next.

We didn’t have a ton of time, and we didn’t have a ton of light, but we thought that the first two objectives were definitely achievable and the third one was a definite maybe.

Taking an objective approach limited the time we needed to explore the random tunnels (since we did a lot of that in Expedition 2) and left us time for the things we wanted.  We had two people that were in the mine for the first time, so hopefully there was still enough tunnel exploring to get their fill (and there was).

Clearing the Trail

Ready to go to the mine...

Climbing up to the mine...

Still Climbing

The Valley

Oh Yeah!

Walking in the Water

Objective 1 – Explore a mega ore cavern

Which one?  That was the real question.  We would be in one big one, but would always wonder, was there a bigger one?  But what if we went too far, and there wasn’t?  Then we would miss the objective.  We picked a massive cavern, maybe or maybe not the largest, and headed in.  We had to climb down to get to the floor of the cavern, and as could be expected, it was treacherous.  It didn’t help that Joe had the Lord of the Rings soundtrack playing, giving us that ominous feel as the drums of Moria echoed behind us.

The cavern was enormous.  We explored the main area and used the light to explore the third dimension.  The cavern had an impressive XZ layout, but the Y was really amazing… it just kept going.  Unfortunately our vision is rather linear, which meant that when the cavern turned a corner our vision stopped, but the cavern kept going… and going…

Some of the rock formations were incredible.  The rock itself is beautiful with the quartz crystals and pyrite scattered about, but we again found the strange phenomenon of the “bleeding” rock.  The colour was sanguine, and it seeped like blood from a wound.  Let’s be honest, it was likely a combination of rust and other minerals gradually being forced from the crevices, but it appeared that as the miners had wounded the mountain, the wound bled.

We scrambled up the bloody slope and into another cavern.  It wasn’t large on the XY, but again it’s the Z and blows minds.  In that cavern we managed to find a number of excellent pyrite samples, and as we dug through the dust, again, we were fools.

We looked around, explored what we could, and saw the cavern.  Along the way we also managed to climb up into another cavern through the use of stubbornness and rope, and were able to see many things that we missed in the previous expedition.  Unfortunately for us, we left the vast majority of the caverns unexplored.  Fortunately for us… we left the vast majority of caverns unexplored… there is always Expedition 4.

Goal 1: Explore a Cavern

In the Cavern

Goin' Down...

Crossing the Cavern

Massive Cavern

Still Legible

Objective 2 – Find the blue thing

In the end, I was not right.  Evidently my memory of the mine tunnels from the last two trips is not great… I pray I never get stuck in those tunnels.  Fortunately, Ian had a better grasp of what was going on, and we did make it back to the blue thing.  The blue thing is a hole in the wall that looks like a core hole.  They must have tapped into a crack, or vein, or something, because with the water comes out a rich collection of minerals.  When slowly deposited over time, these minerals crystallize in a vibrant blue.  Not only that, but they crystallize in a very peculiar formation.  Adam’s video from last year will give you the best impression, but it is like layers upon layers of crystal, but each layer is filled with water.  Yeah… that is not an apt description, but a video is a million words.

Goal 2: The Blue Thing

In Darkness

Icicle in the Dark

Objective 3 – Climb from one level to the next

We did not really pull this one off.  We wanted to, but as we evaluated from the outside, we determined that the distance between levels was rather… significant.  We did find a few spots where we might be able to attempt an ascent, but not a safe one (and thus we held off).  I think that at some point we need to achieve this one, but we need to wait to find the right passage.

Fortunately, we did get to climb through the caverns, and climb up through narrow passageways to find new and unexplored caverns.  We might not have gone from “Level 3” to “Level 2,” but we definitely made it up to “Level 2.8.”

Alas, something for next time, but thankfully we have more time.

We did go up and explore a bit of Level 2 again, and took a look at the glory hole, but as per usual, we ran out of light before we ran out of mine, and using headlamps to explore the mega caverns just doesn’t really work.  So, that opens the door for the next expedition, which will happen… sometime.  Next time we will focus on Level 2 and we will see what can be seen.

As a side note, Level 2 is the more explored level.  People often drop in through the Glory Hole and exit through the Level 2 portal.  There are paths throughout the mine from explorers, so we simply need to take the time to explore them.


Back at Camp



Old Junction Box

Around Camp

Camping Dog

Hopefully these photos give you an idea of what we saw.  Photos on this post are a compilation between Joe’s photos (he had the best camera and though it was his skill behind the lens, there was a group effort with the lighting), Adam’s photos (from this year and last… finally got to collaborating… and his camera performs spectacularly in low light), and my photos (um… yeah… my camera doesn’t perform quite as well in low light, but A for effort…

I don’t know when we will go in again, but this is just the beginning of the Al’s Adventure Trust Adventures… so stay tuned.

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