Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ahhhhhh... I'm Leaving!!!

So... we went to Xiamen on the weekend and it was a great trip, but I do not really have the time to talk about it. It turns out that I am leaving in 4 days and I do not have anything booked. I have an itinerary now, which will be available for people interested in where I end up, but other than that... nada.

Actually... I have started booking today. Yesterday I tried to book my flight to Chengdu, on which much of the first half of this trip hinges, but I ran into issues using a foreign credit card in China. Today I was able to get the assistance of the staff in the Journalism School to book the flight for me and I paid for cash.

I have now inquired about two hostels (one in Hong Kong, and one in Chengdu) and I have booked one in Macau. I will be going to get my bus ticket to Hong Kong in the next few days, and once that is done then I am home free until Chengdu. Well, once I have booked everything...

Hong Kong and Macau will cost me on average about 10 times as much as mainland China which really sucks, but I have may as well see whem while I am here.

Time to go for now as I have to start sorting out stuff here, but I will post again soon.

Once I leave Shantou it will become far more difficult to post, but I will do what I can.

Until next time.

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