Friday, May 22, 2009

A Day of Enlightment and Revenge...

So on the 20th we went to class. Anyways now with that bit of formality out of the way I can get onto the interesting parts of the day.

After class my partner and I for a project in one of our classes (the class that I am enrolled in) went to find people to interview. For the project we had to find two (at least) migrant workers that we could interview and ask if they feel that there is accurate gender representation in the forms of media that they are exposed to.

Our first interview was with a motorized rickshaw driver. He makes 40-60 Yuan ($7-10 CAD) per day. He has three children but can only afford to put one of his children through school. He doesn’t know if he can afford to continue put his son through school but he will try. He only has education from primary school. Work hours are from 7 am until 9 pm.

Our second interview was with a woman selling dvds on the street. She did not tell us how much they made, but she and her boyfriend and their son live only on the sales of dvds. They have very little money and very little security in what they do, and yet, they are happy.

On that street I saw a man playing with a kitten that could fit into the palm of my hand, and I saw a dog that looked like a dragon wagging down the street. There is no money here but it doesn’t matter, there is something else filling the streets; happiness.

After coming back from my interviews I had to do my time in the ELC. I met a student there who helped me learn how to say a few names so that I can ask for directions while I am traveling… so for those who are interested it is said ju-zy-go… I gave him a Canadian penny and he seemed extremely amazed and grateful. He said that it was the first piece of Canadian currency he had ever held, but I would not be surprised if it were the first piece of foreign currency he had ever held.

On my way home and feeling very good about the events of my day I ran into some Canadians. My roommate was among them and he told me that he was having some trouble with the lock on our door and that it seemed like it was going to break. I kept that in mind and continued telling the Canadians of my amazing day.

Eventually it was time to go and I headed towards the dorm. I went to the door and I looked at the lock. I put my key in and I turned it. The lock was working perfectly which seemed strange. I stepped into our patio area and through the door. No problem. Then my roommate yelled over and said that the problem was on the backside of the door.

On reflex I turned around but them moment I did I knew I was screwed. An entire bucketful of revenge poured off of the roof and onto me… I was soaked.

I took a step back so that I could see the two ladies and in one movement I reached to my hat and took it off.

They have won… for now.

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