The idea is to find moments of happiness. Now most people see these moments come and go frequently so they see a good deal of happiness. Some people see less of those moments, so when you see one you need to grab it. This holds true for the people who see more happiness than less as well. You see the moment, and while you are there you need to truly experience the moment. You focus on the details of the world around you. The smells, the feelings... You focus on the happiness and make sure that you realize every ounce of it. If you concentrate hard enough, you can fall into that moment, and find a more lasting happiness. This is Mindfullness - the true awareness of the moment to bring it to its maximum potential, and to see it for what it is... Perfect.
So, you find a moment of happiness and you grab it... almost to the point of clinging. You hold on and stretch it and believe in it, and then, when it is gone, you realize that you don't have to wait so long for the next one. Not only that, but the waiting doesn't seem so bad.
Eventually, the moments stretch together, and then what was a world full of perfect moments, is now a world filled with perfection.
I was listening to this song, and indeed is has been one of my favourites since the album was released. This song embodies what I have described. It is the stepping into the moment, and realizing, that all you ever wanted has always been right at your fingertips.
Take it away Dido...
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