Monday, March 14, 2011


I have a vague recollection that I have posted on this topic before. Not an exact overlap, but probably a half overlap... so bear with me.

I have been writing a lot lately, and a lot of the time when I write... a lot... I listen to movie soundtracks. Once upon a time a friend introduced me to a song from a soundtrack. I thought the song was ok, but then, when I listened to the song a few more times I began to think that the song was more than ok. In fact, it was brilliant.

When I listened to this song I was amazed at the power bound within its chords, and I could feel every beat like the rising beat of my own heart. This was a song of great triumph. When I later investigated more music from the same soundtrack, and then eventually the movie itself, I noticed something about the song. When I played the recording it did not start at silence... the song started where another ended.

So I found the song before it and I listened to them back to back.

What an experience. The triumph that I heard in the music of that song had been powerful, but with both songs in succession it was titanic. The first song does not start as a song of triumph, but one of great defeat. It has lyrics, and they are powerful.

Together, the first, a tale of woe, and the second, a great catharsis, form an indomitable duo.

Ideally you would listen to them without the seam of moving from one song too the next... but this is the best I can do.

Part 1: The Fall (Sound the Bugle)

Part 2: The Rise (Run Free)

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