Who is the Invigilator? I am!
Actually, there are a bunch of us. It is a low paying job that is only available to Graduate Students. But, there are some serious perks. For example, getting paid $8.50/hour to do my homework. Yes indeed, that is the arrangement. I sit at a little table and make sure no one goes into the room and no one goes out. I sit at this little table with my homework and with everything I need.
I don't think I have ever been paid to do homework before...
I suppose it is not always all pay and no work. For example, today the student I was helping needed a "Reader" and so I sat there and read her test to her. By the way, it has been a long time since I have done Psych and I have forgotten how many really complicated words it has. It really does...
Either way. For an hour of work I get an hour and a half of pay, and on Monday I will get paid to do my homework.
Ye ha!
Paid to do homework? I've never heard of that either but it sure sounds like a good gig.