Thursday, October 8, 2009

MBA: Orientation

When they say orientation they are not kidding. They do not mean some measly one hour here is the cafeteria and here is the nearest Timmy's, they mean, here is the most valuable resource you have available: each other.

Day Two was largely inside and largely filled with discussion and learning about teamwork and leadership. One thing that we did cover was the Myers-Briggs personality test. Prior to starting this program every student took the test and submitted their answers. The test breaks people into different groups based on their innate preference for certain behaviours, much like the preference of using your right or left hand. Each person is then given a four letter code that represents their personality. For interests sake I am an INTJ, which means a lot of interesting stuff... but... I am not writing about that so if you want to know what that means take a look at the wikipedia article:

If you do check it out, let me know if you think it reflects me or not.

Day Three comprised of a great deal of physical activity, with appeared fun, but in my current physical state was largely beyond my capacity. I was able however to watch and to take photos of the events. I will post some later if I can. The events were all based on interdependency and teamwork. For example, in one event people were blindfolded and led through a minefield by another person. In another event a group would huddle closely together, grab the hands of their colleagues, and without letting go try to untie the knot until the group was in a single large circle. All of these activities got the idea across that to succeed we will need to work together.

Later we were given the groups that would be ours for the next two months. These groups were based on nationality, experience, and on Myers-Briggs personality type. We were split into our groups and given a task. 7 of 10 groups were given recipes, 1 group was told to help by offering process advice, 1 group was told to inspect the health and safety of the operation, and 1 group was told that they needed to critique the food.

We were given one hour for preparation and two for execution. The goal? Make a meal for 50 people.

Immediately all of the groups set to work about their own tasks. I was on the group to offer advice to improve the process. We spoke to the groups before we went into the kitchen, and then when they went in, we followed. We tried to offer whatever advice we could to make it so that we might stand a chance at passing the heath and safety inspection.

Imagine 40 people in a kitchen meant for 15. I have a video of it that I will hopefully post later. Needless to say, the health and safety inspectors were kicking people out of the kitchen ASAP... including most of my group.

After the time was up, the groups had finished and all appeared well. Critics critiqued, and then we all ate... well... most of us. Turns out that the dishes cooked happened to have a whole lot of vegetables in them so... I didn't eat. After supper the last three groups cleaned while the rest of them debriefed. Then we headed home.

Today was interesting. I ordered some headphones to replace a pair that broke. They were sent to the house, but no one was here to receive them. So... they were sent to Purolator.

Today, was a photo scavenger hunt. The groups were assembled and sent on their way. A few of us were held back because of mobility issues, and some others were held back because of the coordinator of the orientation. We were given another task. That was to get all of the individual groups working together to make a single presentation of their hunt instead of 10 different presentations.

I had spoken with the coordinator, and I asked her where Purolator was. She asked if I needed to get a package and I said yes. She said that it would happen. I didn't think much of it until she said to the group of us that was held behind, that she has another mission for us. We needed to pick up a package. So, my and four of my peers hopped into a car to head to Purolator to get my headphones. This was a good chance for us to discuss strategy, but seemingly funny nonetheless. Well, I did get the headphones, and after seeing where Purolator was I is evident that I would not have found it on my own.

When the groups got back we went though a great deal of chaos to make a presentation. The missed two deadlines, and lunch was delayed, but, it worked out in the end.

Tomorrow we are meeting the business leaders in Saint John, and then the orientation is over. At that point we are ready for classes.

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