Thursday, January 28, 2010


Evidently, Pink Eye is not a big deal.

However, when you go to the Doctor two days after treating for Pink Eye with no improvement, and in fact a deterioration of the situation, that is a problem. The Doctor looks at you much more seriously, takes you much more seriously, and is concerned... much more seriously.

Maybe all a little too seriously.

I went to the Doctor again. Yes, yes, I know I had a mid-term that night (last night) but, I couldn't sleep because of the pain and really I couldn't see much because the light hurts too much. I hobbled to the pharmacy and clinics near me only to confirm what I already knew, they would not help me. I then decided that the mid-term could piss off, and that I needed a Doctor. It was still too early to call for an "after-hours" appointment, so I went for a consolation McMuffin.

I made it home and made the call. My appointment was at 1:45. I tried to study a little, with my one eye open, and then packed my gear, hopped on the bus, and went Uptown... again... I asked the very kind bus driver to let me off at the closest stop, and the did.

200 metres later brings us to the situation with the Doctor.

I showed him what the other Doctor gave me, and he said that is what he would have given you. Then with a much more severe ambiance, the Doctor told me that it was not Pink Eye, but in fact Iritis. Sure... Iritis... Ok.... Anyways, he gave me new drops, and he said that if there is no improvement in 24-48 hours I really really need to see a Doctor.

What does this mean for my Quebec trip this weekend? It means that there is a chance I cannot go.

Next stop was the pharmacy, and the Pharmacist had something to add... if there is no improvement in 24-48 hours (48 at the very very latest) forget going to the Doctor. Go to the Hospital. At that point I will need a specialist, and topical treatment likely be ineffective.


Back home, back to studying, to the mid-term, and home.

I wore sunglasses everywhere, but even they do not block out enough light.

Iritis sucks.

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