Through a set of circumstances and the process of elimination I have determined that I am Niban. The student in our class with the highest grades was given a certificate - she is Ichiban. We were told that four students had 4.0 or higher, and I knew one of them, that meant that I was Number Two or Number Three. Looking at one more piece of information which was a leaked group listing with the high academic performers highlighted puts me at Number Two.
So. I am Niban.
Why did I bring up the story of the Afro Samurai and of the story of how it is the goal of whoever possesses the Number Two headband to try and defeat Number One to take their headband and to achieve godly strength? Because though there is no real incentive in the MBA, I am Niban, and that makes it my duty to try and become Ichiban.
Am I going to try and expend all of my energy on this? No? I have many other things taking my time, like work, and writing, and trying to remain sane. But... if I can, and if I have the energy I will make a move for that Number One headband.
Ichiban... I am coming for you!
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