Sunday, August 1, 2010

Starcraft II

12 years after the release of the original we stand in line for the encore

8:00 pm on Monday July 26, 2010: three of us arrived at Future Shop. It was not even closed yet. We asked them where to line up and they told us. We grabbed the chairs and set up camp.

8:47 pm: The pizza guy wandering around inside Future Shop finally figured out that there was a line-up outside of the store and managed to find me there. Nothing like a little meat and pineapple to tide you over from a long night.

9:15 pm:

9:35 pm: Phone call with my father and brother in Mexico.

10:17 pm:

10:20 pm: Got my butt kicked... like... kicked! At hearts... Last time I teach people how to play... pffftttt... whatever happened to that Engineering Degree anyways. All we did was play hearts... you think I would do better...

10:32 pm: Future Shop employees appear from nowhere and start setting up displays... inside the store... grr....

10:something pm:

10:52 pm: Police officer stops by to see what is going on... chipper old chap!

11:23 pm: I start to realize that the people in this line are super hardcore nerds and that I might actually be one of the least geeky ones there... One guy is playing the original... a group of people are playing come kind of nutty card game that I haven’t heard of. Some people are standing all “cool” like with hopes of not getting seen.

11:39 pm: We pack up the chairs, and put everything away.

11:40 pm:

11:55 pm: Minutes seem like hours...

11:54 pm: Quaking in my boots...

11:55 pm: Kind of have to urinate... Been in line for 4 hours...

11:56 pm: The guy beside me smells like cat pee... still... this squelches my need to urinate with an overpowering desire to escape or vomit.

11:57 pm: Some people’s watches already say 12:00 am... those cheaters...

11:58 pm: Longest minutes ever...

11:59 pm: Longest minute ever..........................

12:00 pm!!!!!!!!!:

12:01 am: YAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAY it becomes 12:00 am on the Future Shop people’s watches and they open the doors and let in the first 10 people and we were second in line so we get to go to the counter and get our free hats and free posters and free headsets and then pick up our games and YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY.

After half of my life of waiting... Starcraft 2 is here...

Uh... Crap... final on Wednesday... Gahhhhhhhh...

After half of my life of waiting... and the two more days it will take me to finish the final... Starcraft 2 will be here...


p.s. A week later and I still have not had time to try the game... gah...

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